※Vacuum feeding machine is a brand-new type feeding equip-ment which is developed on the basis of our widely researching, ab-sorbing and digesting foreign updated models. It is the most idea transferring equipment for the materials as powder, granules, mixture of powder and granules, etc .
※This equipment can transfer all kinds of materials to the funnels of such equipments as packing machine, milling machine, injection machine etc. It also has the function as transferring the material di- rectly to the mixers as (V-type mixer, planar mixer, three-dimentional mixer etc.) In this way, working force as well as the dust flying is well dissolved. Vacuum feeding machine is the best equipment to choose for the “GMP” requirement for pharmaceutical factory, foodstaff factory and so on .
真空上料机型号 设备特点:Features of equipment
※This equipment is made up of such configurations as vacuum pumping (without oil and water ), material sucked port (stainless steel ), ransferring soft pipe, PE filter or filter made of SS 316L, revering blowing compressed air device, pneumatic discharging device, vacuum material bowl and autsmatical device for controlling the material posi- tion etc. The equipment is designed in a perfect way.
※There are two kinds of vacuum feeding machine: indirect dis- charging continuous discharging. The first one will benifit in the as- pects as follows: lowering the cost as well as easy to control the mate- rial position, so we advise you to choose this machine. And for the large-scale and long distance manufacturing, continuous one is ad- vised to be chosen.
型号Type | 电机功率Parameters of motor(kw) | 产量Delivery capacity (kg/h) |
ZKS-1 | 1.5 | 400 |
ZKS-2 | 2.2 | 600 |
ZKS-3 | 3 | 1200 |
ZKS-4 | 5.5 | 2000 |
ZKS-5 | 4 | 3000 |
ZKS-6 | 5.5 | 4000 |
ZKS-7 | 5.5 | 6000 |
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